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Ashley Rose
Ashley gets a whole page to herself, because she's so cute
and tiny. I became an uncle for the first time when she
was born in July of 1996, and I was so overwhelmed by the
idea that I started crying in a greeting card store. This
is Ashley (2 months) with her mother,
Kim, at feeding time,
trying to do a little burping.
This is Ashley (2 months) and her favorite uncle (me!)
playing with some bears. Okay, alright, Ashley is trying
to take a nap and I'm playing with the bears.
This is Ashley (4 months) helping
her grandmother, Sharon, take care of the
monster bunnies. Ashley seems kinda surprised to be confronted
by a rabbit twice her size. I bet it's diaper changing time!
I have more pictures of Ash on my other Ashley page.